Spotlight on Risa Lower

When I was approached by NextStage to be in the "Spotlight", I wondered what I would say and how my experiences could make an impact. And then I realized that I am an example of how successful NextStage is in both meeting its mission of enhancing and promoting creative aging, but also in providing community, opportunity and an avenue to fight isolation, develop confidence and provide a platform in which the inner child can reign free.

I am a transposed East Coaster, raised with theatre and music. I came from a family of singers. Sadly, that gene passed me by - but I immersed myself in my love of the theatre and after retiring from my initial career of raising two children and spending 31 years at a national company, where I grew from secretary to President, I began my own next stage, starting a talent agency with an actress friend and worked for the New Jersey Theatre Alliance representing 35 NJ regional theatres.

So when I moved to Santa Cruz, one of the first things I did was look for volunteer opportunities to be involved in something associated with theatre and the arts. I found an ad in one of the local papers to volunteer for a show called Bingo being presented by a group called NextStage Productions and the rest was history.

I met two dynamos and leaders of NextStage, Lynn Knudsen and Carole English, who encouraged my development and participation. 

I said earlier that I was a quintessential example of how NextStage achieved its mission.

How? They gave me a voice, literally. Having lip-synced my entire life because I felt I couldn't sing, they taught me that anyone can sing and gave me the confidence to feel comfortable in the chorus and even soloing in some musical reviews.

I also got involved with classes, directing and Readers Theater. Most importantly, I let my creative energies flow, which gave me the ability to find an area, Health and Wellness, where I could let me passion for helping the elderly, those with memory deficits, and people living with Parkinson's develop opportunities for improving not only their health, but quality of life.

I never expected or could have predicted any of this when I moved to Santa Cruz. NextStage showed me that age truly is a number, and creative aging is real and available to all.

To those who are not aware of the opportunities that NextStage Productions can provide, I encourage you to find out how you can grow in this community of creativity, enrichment and friendship.

- Risa Lower