Rainbows and Renewal

I recently returned from a trip to Arizona and driving through the central valley was a feast for the eyes and soul. The coastal mountain range was dusted with snow and the southern snowcapped peaks met us on the East.

For me however, it was the return trip through the rain that sent my spirit soaring. Why? As we left I-5 and turned West the rain stopped and there it was, the most intense multi-colored rainbow set against the green hills, valleys and mountain peaks. This was the pot-of-gold. Renewal after the storms.

NextStage Productions is at those cross-roads. We are looking for renewal within our leadership. You may be the rainbow that leads us down the road of continued growth.

Please consider joining the NSP board of directors and/or nominating a member of the community with a willingness to serve and with business or organizational capabilities. Send your recommendations and contact information to info@nextstagesantacruz.org. Let’s do this!!

- Kathryn Adkins