Happy 2024! — NextStage Productions

Vocal Technique Student Showcase - Sunday March 23 at 2pm - Market Street Theater

Happy 2024!

Happy 2024!  We kick off celebrations for 10 years of NextStage Productions in Santa Cruz!

What a journey. From our inception in 2013 as Stagebridge Santa Cruz under the mentoring of Oakland Stagebridge to the full 501c3 legal status in 2014. A decade of marvelous performances, classes, health and joy to our senior community.

What fun we’ve had over the years - being a bit dramatic and decadent, singing “Come to the Cabaret” in our musical theater classes. We’ve kicked up our heels, saluted our heroes, razzle-dazzled our audiences, played games, written sensitive letters, told our stories and so much more. We’ve created stories with our memory loss clients, banged drums and stretched our bodies reaching for better mobility and health.

And we’ve even learned to navigate Zoom and streaming.

NSP is built on the dedication of so many members and teachers, advisors and participants, especially Lynn Knudsen who’s drive and vision created the framework for where we are today.

As we launch into this year of celebration, reminisce and then renew your dedication to NextStage Productions and all that we do. Volunteer as a board member, a director, a teacher, a performer. WE WELCOME EVERYONE. The rewards are plentiful.

- Kathryn Adkins
