Spotlight on Harriet Mainis

By Risa Lower

What is an angel?  In theatre-speak it is someone who helps finance a production.  Spiritually it is a guide, a helper.  If you look at synonyms, we come up with “one in a million” and someone who exhibits kindness, generosity, and goodwill.  And if we look at Harriet Mainis, she embodies them all.

Harriet Mainis has been a friend to NextStage Productions for many years, her relationship starting with Lynn Knudsen, co-founder of NextStage with Kathryn Adkins. They formed a friendship that brought laughter and entertainment to many functions Harriet was involved in from performing at the Uptown Ladies organization, which Harriet founded, to costume parties and other fund-raising events.

And then came NextStage’s dream of starting classes for people living with Parkinson’s.  We had the idea of working with EASE PD and Watsonville Taiko to create a Taiko drumming class.  We brought the idea to Harriet, whose husband lives with Parkinson’s, and with enthusiasm and warm support, Harriet single-handedly seeded our program that started in 2019 and continues to the current classes joyously being held weekly at Trinity Presbyterian Church.  Harriet’s continuing support has allowed up to grow and provide full scholarships to all who participate in this program.  As grants have become harder and harder to come by, it is the generosity of donors and the support of NextStage Production, EASE PD and small grants from Omega Nu, that have allowed us to continue this important work.  But most of our support has come from Harriet.  She has always been there for us, and for our students.

In 2021, we expanded our program for people living with Parkinson’s to include a Voice and Movement Class via zoom.  Again, we reached out to Harriet, and again, without pause or question, her on-going support allowed us to begin this class which now, after two years, has evolved into a Yoga & Communications class.  Without Harriet’s support, we couldn’t turn these dreams and opportunities into reality and help change and improve the lives of people dealing with this often-devastating disease.  While we have not been able to raise enough funds to do these classes on full scholarship, they are heavily subsidized by NextStage Productions and offered at substantially reduced fees to participants thanks to Harriet.

But we are not the only group that has benefitted from the generosity and heart of the Mainis family.  Harriet and George Mainis were instrumental in starting the Stroke Center at Dignity Health, have donated instruments to stroke patients, donated $1,000,000 to endow the Cancer/Infusion Center at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF) and raised money through fundraisers, including Designer Clothing Sales and Fashion shows for cancer research at PAMF and bringing national celebrities such as Dick Van Dyke, Tony Bennett and Shirley Jones, among others, to fundraising events at Santa Cruz’ Cocoanut Grove.  One of her passions has been helping fund projects to advance research on breast cancer.  She has been actively fund raising for this for the last three years and has raised $450,000 to date to fight this disease.

Harriet is a native Californian and has lived in Santa Cruz with her husband of 70 years since 1963. She has a son and daughter-in-law living in Santa Cruz and gets to enjoy their children as well as their two dogs!

Her achievements are profound, her heart full of love, and her philanthropy, which is quietly given, has led to a life that is both well lived and life-changing for so many.  She and George have made the lives of so many so much fuller, giving hope, and support and opportunity to not just people in need, but to research to prolong and improve lives.

Harriet makes a difference.  And we are pleased to honor her and send our deep appreciation for her support, and to say, simply, but with profound gratitude, “thank you”.