Lets Get It Done!

Are you feeling the dog days of summer: lethargic, hot, sad? Maybe those fun events you planned fell through and now the summer is waning and fall looms ahead. Don’t despair! NextStage Productions has the antidote- ACTION!

Action stimulates action and increases positive energy and NSP volunteers can attest to this. We create. We collaborate. WE HAVE FUN.  And WE NEED YOU.

Introduce NextStage to your friends and be active audience members at the August 28 Performance Under the Redwoods. Invite your book club, your civic group, church group, colleagues and neighbors.

Volunteer to help organize, write or meet the public.  Make events and projects “magically” appear.

Contact us at info@nextstagesantacruz.org or call 688-4337. We will return your call.

We can do this!

- Kathryn Adkins