New Directions

In a world that is upside-down and in the face of ever-changing challenges, we can create new ways of living together!


The production of The “TALK SHOW” about Moms was our first online creation and we are planning others.
The hour long show, a tribute to motherhood, was the result of a Zoom encounter, which eight talented actresses used to send a very special message to their families and friends on Mother's Day. 

In a casual improvisational form, the performers told fun stories, which included props and hats to express the uniqueness of their own mothers. The NSP actors included Jackie Defendis, Hannah Eckstein, Marigold Fine, Lynn Knudsen, Risa Lower, Ellen Mazaika, Judy Phillips, and Virginia Val-Leiva

Accolades and Thank Yous go to Risa Lower and Hannah Eckstein for directing and coaching, Lynn Knudsen for technical help with Zoom teleconferencing, and 
 KC Carlson for Video Post Production. 

New Board member Sally Bookman is producing 7 short plays for our Readers Theater, Kathryn Adkins is planning a Voice class to go online and the NSP Players are designing practice schedules to provide Healthcare Facilities with a “Garden Party” Program performing outdoors, and a digital library of videos of past performances.

With Thanks to Shari Gallegos and Jackie Defendis, we have plans to offer our Children’s Show “Piggie Pie” to Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley elementary schools K-3 grades, when NSP receives the go-ahead.

Our Taiko Drumming Program for PWPs flourishes and we are researching a Speech and Movement addition to this effort. Great new strategies are being offered by TimeSlips for the cognitively impaired and we are looking for volunteers to help implement them.

Volunteers are also being interviewed for positions on the NSP Board. Let us know if you are interested. Thanks Again for ALL you do to support our work. All this said we need more volunteers!