Vocal Technique Student Showcase
Vocal Technique Student Showcase
The Vocal Technique Boot Camp comes to an end on Sunday March 23 with a 2:00pm Student Showcase performance at Market Street Theater.
Students have learned the basics of breath control and diction- skills that have taken their voices to new strengths and clarity. We hope you will come join us in applauding their work in this eclectic music performance that will have something for everyone. Music selections include pop music from the 1930's - present day, choral ensemble, a classical art song and a special treat - an Eastern Indian song.
Goodwill donations taken at the door.

Taiko for People with Parkinson's
NextStage sponsors a Taiko Drumming Class in conjunction with Watsonville Taiko and EASE PD (exercise, activity, support and education for Parkinson’s Disease) for people living with Parkinson’s. These classes, which are offered with full scholarships to students have been a great success for those residing in the Santa Cruz area.
The next 9 week session of Taiko Drumming & Movement Class for people living w/ Parkinson's starts on January 13, 2025 at Trinity Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, Santa Cruz
We are thinking of starting a class in Watsonville, so if you or anyone you know who is living with PD might be interested in joining this class, please contact Risa.
For more information or to register, email Risa at:

Consider a Donation to NextStage
NextStage thrived in 2024. We can certainly say that we left the pandemic behind and surged forward with enthusiasm and a cornucopia of programs to foster creative aging and involvement.
Help us to continue to dream and build. Please consider making a donation to NextStage Productions. Your gift, large or small, is so important, and every dollar goes to programs to enhance livingness. And all donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please help us continue to make a difference.

Readers Theater Tryouts
Readers Theater Tryouts
January 10, 1-3pm
Seacliff Mobile Home Park Clubhouse
2700 Mar Vista, Aptos
Contact Sally Bookman, 831 818-9959 for more information

Storytelling Encore Performances
Just six weeks ago, fifteen men and women stood in front of a sold out theater audience, and told a story from their lives. Each person told of an instance where a magic moment had occurred and, in some cases, changed their life. Directed by Brad Roades, these stories had been honed and rehearsed and not just told, but performed, with, where appropriate, costumes and props.
These deeply personal moments, shared with others, brought so much joy to the Storytellers, as it did to the audience, that additional public performances are scheduled for November.
We invite you to attend on both days when one half of the plays will be performed on Saturday, November 23 and the remaining stories presented the following day, Sunday November 24th. All performances are at 2pm. A $10 donation is requested to offset rental of the space, the Annex located at the rear of MidCounty Senior Center, 829 Capitola (Bay Avenue adjacent to Nob Hill supermarket.)
Bring friends! We can guarantee two entertaining afternoons (about 1hour 40 minutes)

Holiday Show - December 7 at 2pm
NextStage Productions brings to you our holiday show, Season of Light and Love. Saturday December 7, 2:00pm at Market Street Theater 222 Market St. Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Along with holiday musical favorites and audience participation, this exciting new production incorporates narration of the American Indian story, Raven, the bringer of sunlight and The Fezziwig's Party. Both stories are accompanied by harp played by Catherine Hampton.
Don't miss this dynamic and entertaining holiday show. $15.00 donation at the door..

Voices in Harmony
Plan now to join us for the Voices in Harmony matinee concert from 2-4 PM on November 9, with 5 groups, and the audience singing along!
United Methodist Church, 250 California Street, Santa Cruz
Donations accepted at the door.
Pacific Voices is a community choir whose purpose is to bring together singers for a joyous and supportive choral and social experience. Come sing with us! pacificvoices.org
Sorella, a nine voice women's ensemble, explores harmonies for treble voices in a wide range of styles. dianad414@aol.com
NextStage Love & Light is providing a sneak preview of their holiday show delivered by seniors for seniors at residences throughout the county. You are invited to their public performance on December 18. nextstagesantacruz.org
Key of 3 trio includes Kathryn Adkins, Nancy Voogd & Claire Paul, with Jerry Paul on keyboard. They specialize in tight jazz harmonies as well as folk/rock and Broadway from the 20th century. nspagent988@gmail.com
Community Music School hosts children’s and teen’s folk music camps every summer and choir is a huge part of this, passing on the early American shape note tradition to the next generation. CommunityMusicSchool.org
Sponsored by NextStage Productions, nonprofit TIN: 46-4845284

The Artist's Way
Session 2
Coming Soon - Starting in October
Discover your creative self!
This course is geared toward people who are feeling stuck in an area of their creative life or people wanting to expand their creativity into uncharted territory.

Storytelling: Encounters With Magic
Two Shows: August 31 at 2pm and 7pm
Center Stage / Actors Theater
1001 Center Street, Santa Cruz
$20 General Admission - Tickets at Door

Vocal Exercise For Any Age
May 5 3-4:30pm
Mid County Senior Center. $20
Whether or not you’ve ever taken voice lessons, you’ve probably heard about “right” or “wrong” things to do. But those rules are changing, especially for performing artists at mid-life and beyond.

Open Mic Benefit
Benefit for Veteran’s Village on Saturday May 11, 3pm
St Andrew Church Patio - 9850 Monroe Ave, Aptos.
All are welcome.
Call 408 357-0640 or email info@NextStageSantaCruz.org for more information.

Taiko Drumming Class for People with Parkinson's
Next session: April 15 - June 10 at 10amTrinity Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, Santa Cruz
This Taiko Drumming class is free to students (and care provider, if required) and is funded by NextStage Productions and donations from students and friends.
Open to beginners and returning students. No Drop Ins.
Contact Risa: Risa@nextstagesantacruz.org

Time In A Bottle Performances
Saturday Mar 2, 2pm and Sunday Mar 3, 2pm
Market Street Senior Center
222 Market Street, Santa Cruz

The Young & The Rest of Us
Two Shows - Jan 28 & Feb 11 - 4 PM
Many of the cast and crew in this fun show are past and present participants of NextStage Productions.
Resource Center for NonViolence, doors open at 3:15 PM

FundRaiser Supporting Parkinsons Community
Santa Cruz favorite, Patti Maxine headlines a benefit concert supporting Taiko Drumming for People Living with Parkinson’s. The show will be held on Sunday November 5 from 11 am - 2pm at El Vaquero Winery, 2901 Freedom Blvd in Corralitos.
Also performing are Three of a Kind, Alive & Kicking and Four Ever Young. Produced by NextStage Productions, suggested donation is $20. You won’t want to miss this show.
For more information email ellenmdj@gmail.com

Holiday Show Auditions
Contact: Shari Gallegos at shari_gallegos@sbcglobal.net
Auditions are now CLOSED
Performances will be afternoons, December 4-7; 11-14.
Rehearsals 2 days/week.
Directors: Shari Gallegos, Cindy Gorski, Kathryn Adkins

Summer's End Concerts
Two performances on Sunday August 13 by Three of a Kind, Key of Three, Friends & Neighbors, and Siamsa.
2pm at Mid County Senior Center - 829 Bay Ave, Capitola.
5pm at Corralitos Cultural Center - 127 Hames Rd, Corralitos.
Suggested donation - $20.
Call 831 688-4337 for more info.

In Your Life - Storytelling
Saturday September 9th at 7PM at Center Street/Actors’ Theater at 1001 Center Street Santa Cruz.
Informed by other storytelling projects like "The Moth" or "Ted Talks", this will be an evening of true stories told by the people who lived them. Directed by award winning playwright, Brad Roades and presented by NextStage Productions.
Presenters include: Carole English, Susie Brown, Kathryn Adkins, Marigold Fine, Ginny Slifcak, Sally Bookman, Reggie McLain, Peggy Courreault, Ronna Schulkin

BodyWise* with Marcia Heath
BodyWise* fosters full expression of our authentic selves. It is a heart-opening, energizing practice that is open to all, regardless of age or experience. It begins with a gentle movement warm-up that incorporates a range of movement qualities, then in pairs we warm up our “word-maker”, sharing and witnessing each other’s responses to various stimuli. We use InterPlay* forms that encourage spontaneity, playfulness, self-trust, connection with self and others, and FUN!
*BodyWise is Marcia’s version of InterPlay
Weekly starting Wednesday, June 21, 2:00 - 3:30 pm
Villa Santa Cruz Clubhouse, 2435 Felt St. Santa Cruz, CA 95062
$15 requested donation; nobody turned away due to lack of funds
For more info, call 831-688-4337 (Voice Mail) and leave a msg.

Open Mic Benefit for Veterans Village
Do you like to sing or juggle or play the accordion? Next Stage Productions is hosting an open mic on Sunday, May 7 at 1pm on the outdoor stage at St Andrews Presbyterian Church in Aptos, to benefit the Veterans Village in Ben Lomond. Call 831 688-4337 if you’re interested in helping support our veterans and display your talents.

The InterAct Improvisation Troupe
Break out of the old routine! Have fun, be a bit "wild and crazy", meet new friends, open minds and challenge outdated views about aging. NextStage and InterAct Improvisation Troupe director, Pat Timberg, invites you to join us as we create a new and unique improvisational theater troupe in a workshop setting and then take to the road as NSP InterAct Troubadours. No experience necessary. Bring all creative talents: singing, dancing, writing, storytelling.
- with Pat Timberg
February 8,10,15,17 1:30-3:30pm
Trinity Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
420 Melrose Ave. Santa Cruz, CA
Workshop Cost: $65.00

Sassy and Jazzy Sundays at 10AM
Ellen and Glenn perform every Sunday at 10am at California Coffee in Aptos. To date they have raised about $600 for NSP's Taiko drumming classes. California Coffee owner, Sylvia Reyes, deserves special kudos for opening her space every Sunday. Many thanks to all who come enjoy the music for supporting our Taiko Drumming classes for people with Parkinson's.

Giving Tuesday is November 29
NextStage Productions provides educational, performance, and health & wellness opportunities to seniors that will enrich the lives of those in the community. We believe that acquiring knowledge and sharing with others enhances self-esteem and gives purpose to those in the senior age demographic and prolongs life.
NextStage Productions is a 501c3 charitable non-profit organization that uses the creative and expressive arts to bring positive energy to the way people view or experience aging. [Tax Id 464845284]

Open Mic benefit for Veteran's Village
October 1 Open Mic from 1-:300 pm St. Andrew Presbyterian Church Patio, 9850 Monroe Ave. Aptos. Benefit for Veteran’s Village Santa Cruz. Sponsored by NextStage Productions, Vets4Vets and St. Andrew Church, Aptos.
Performers signup for a 4-minute performance spot. All are welcome.
To sign up, contact 831-688-4337 (Voice Mail).

Entertainment Under The Redwoods
FREE entertainment event presented by NextStage Productions & Friends. Entertainment will be provided by talented NSP members who have performed at many local community events, as well as independent, assisted living, and memory care establishments.
Join us on Sunday, August 28, 2022 from 1 to 3 pm at 9850 Monroe Avenue, Aptos, CA 95003 (St. Andrew Presbyterian church). Event is outdoors on the patio - Bring a Friend!
For more information on this event, please contact us at 831 688 4337

Itching to Perform?
Do you have the itch to perform? Feeling like you want to give it a try? Improvisation/Singing/Acting. Give us a call or drop us a line to let us know. We would love to set up a training session/rehearsal series that help you sweep away the dust and nerves. Contact us at info@nextstagesantacruz.org or 831 688-4337

Free Zoom Tech Workshop
Our next free zoom tech workshop will be on How to Use Filters and Automatically Delete Malicious Software. Instructor Glenn Dunki-Jacobs-Nolten will demonstrate how you can create filters to automatically delete all unwanted emails (a proactive process). This 30-minute workshop is for everyone who wants to take back control of their email inbox.
Register for the Free Workshop Thursday, 18 August at 4 PM

Growing Up in TV Land
NSP Production, Growing Up in TV Land, is on pause, planning to resume for performances in early 2023. This show will highlight TV Show themes songs from the 50's and 60's. Y’all come back now, ya hear?

Protect Your Online Privacy
Read this informative article by Glenn Dunki-Jacobs-Nolten on how to detect spam phone calls, and what to do (Hint: Hang Up)!
Click here for more information

Voice Class for People Living with Parkinson’s
Sponsored by NextStage Productions and EASE PD
Taught by Jocelyn Lagier, Speech Language Pathologist via ZOOM.
We still have availability! The second four-week session begins Tuesday June 7th via Zoom. Tuesdays 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Participants limited to 20 students living in Santa Cruz County (care providers welcome). The class is open to new and continuing students. This is not a drop-in class. Students are asked to commit to all classes in a session.
Fee: Participant cost is $30 for each 4-week session. The balance of the cost for the program is being sponsored by EASE PD.
Email Risa (risa@nextstagesantacruz.org) to register.

Improv Workshop with Patricia Timberg
April 2 & 3, 2022 from 1:00-3:00 pm
Have you always wanted to share in the fun actors seem to have? Do you have a talent you want to express? During this class of laughing and learning, members will stimulate their imagination and creative process through a series of non-threatening exercises and experiences. Collaboratively we will create scenes and ideas possibly for a final demonstration/performance based on the group’s make-up and objectives. Bring any hidden talents with you – such as singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, and of course a good sense of humor. Sign up today!
No prior experience required, only an adventurous spirit.

Readers Theater "6 Short Comedies"
Come see NextStage Production’s Readers Theater perform six short comedies directed by Sally Bookman. Performance are free!
April 23 2-4 pm at Capitola Public Library
April 24 2-4 pm at Mid-County Senior Center
May 7 2-4 pm at Santa Cruz Public Library

Flatbed Performance Spaces Opportunity
NextStage has found free use of a flatbed truck fully equipped with electrical battery for amplification and a driver, Dohn Grub. We can go anywhere for safe outside performances. Do you have a community group, residence or family event to add to our locations?
If you have personal connections or contacts at any of these venues to help get our NextStage Performers in the door - please share them with us!
Wineries / Breweries
Grange Halls / VFW
Farmer's Markets
Bandstands / Parks
Private Parties
Contact Kathryn at info@nextstagesantacruz or call 423-9808.

Singing for the Next Stage
NextStage and the Santa Cruz County Arts Council proudly announce Free Music Performances. “Singing for the Next Stage” November 21 2-3:30PM, Santa Cruz City Hall Courtyard. 809 Center Street, Santa Cruz, 95060.
Musical Performances by Healer Trio, Honey Hotshots, Mood Swings, NextStage Performers, and Reggie McClain, as they provide a variety of songs and genres for the emerging genre of performing live again. Please bring your own chair.

Lotsa Laughs
CONGRATULATIONS to Sally Bookman for producing and directing the 2021 Spring Edition of the NextStage Readers' Theater called “Little Bits for Lotsa Laughs."
You can now view recordings of the entire series on YouTube! Click here to get started.
Thank you Sally for gathering together another wonderful group of actors for this season. NSP wishes to thank the whole group and to recognize them for their volunteer contribution of theatre talents.

June 25,26,27 from 3:00-4:30pm
This workshop is designed to dust off your performance skills: singing, moving, acting. Bring your next solo piece: song, monologue, poem or reading. Bring a karaoke track and lyric sheet or sheet music. Don’t have one? No problem. Instructor choice is available. Enroll Now!

Party in the Parking Lot
Live Music and Theater Performances
Saturday May 22, 3-5 PM
International Academy of Dance (Outdoor Studio)
320 Encinal St, Santa Cruz
Performances by:
- NextStage Players Beatles
- NextStage Readers Theater
- Ellen and Glen Duo
- Reggie McClain
- Shannon Chipman

Zoom Classes
Join us for engaging, fun, and interactive classes on Zoom! You can sign up for “Read & Speak Theater” (no memorizing) with a class performance at the end, Monologue classes (presentation of short monologues) and writing courses all from the comfort of your home! Learn with wonderfully talented teachers, meet new friends, have some fun! If interested contact marian_brown@hotmail.com.

Cards for Seniors
Isolation poses serious health risks — both physically and mentally — that social bubbles can help alleviate while improving social well-being and quality of life.
Let's create a Caring Bubble around our seniors who are alone and lonely.
Thinking of You Cards for Isolated Seniors NextStage Drop Off at Zizzo's Coffeehouse 3555 Clares St. Capitola. While you are there, enjoy a coffee and something sweet. Karen and Scott Hooger have been supporting NextStage in all of its endeavors.

Bullets on Broadway
Fund Raiser to continue the vital programs of NextStage.
“Support this "Bullets On Broadway" Virtual Game Production by becoming a Sponsor or Audience Member.
Rescheduled date: Sept 26, 2020 at 7pm

"CLUE" - Based on the 1985 movie and the Hasbro board game, Clue is a hilarious farce-meets-murder mystery. Gathered at a remote mansion, six mysterious guests assemble for an unusual dinner where murder and blackmail are on the menu. The host turns up dead and everyone is a suspect. But who did it, and how?
Streamed online over the internet for a full 48 hours, January 29th and January 30th. On either day, at any time, copy and enter the following address in your browser:
That will take you to the "Broadway-on-Demand" website, where you will need to register and pay a simple Viewing Fee of just $9.99.